Monday, September 30, 2024

Variations on a theme…

Well, you know when you get an image stuck in your head and you keep thinking I can get this, just one more try…overall I probably like the one from last week best as well as the bottom one here. I didn’t put the window frame over it because I really like the way the top half is painted. Actually I like the way the top half is painted in all of them…it’s just the shadow that I haven’t quite mastered…

Here are two other paintings I’m working on. Actually the top one is done, it’s 6x10. The bottom one is 5x7 and still a work in progress. But I do like how those figs are painted…


  1. I love all your "out the window" paintings through the years. I do like the last of these three the best. I think the shadow is the most successful on that one--and you really don't need the window frame. The verticals on the building are enough...the frame would just overcomplicate things. I really like the angles on the first still life. It's so dynamic. And those figs are amazing! Are they from your tree?

  2. The last one definitely is the best shadow work. I really like the still life but it took me awhile to figure out the vase but I did and it’s fine. I too like the figs. I think you need to leave more white on those flower petals.

  3. Yes the third is the best. I wonder if you cut out the top with the sky and the leaves which good in their own right but I think they distract from the purple shadow.

    Just the trunk and the tree a painting with mystery.

  4. Yeah, I think the window frame seems to cancel out all the good stuff with the tree and its shadow. The 3rd painting looks the best without it in the way. The still life painting is really interesting and unusual in its composition.
