Sunday, September 1, 2024

Closet Cleaning

 Well, now I know what I have….and it’s way too much. This is a rerun from a series I did during the pandemic. Photo by Wendy Fischer Hartman who has published a book of her street photography. This guy is on the SW corner of Michigan and Washington…there’s a glimpse of the Cultural Center across the street .  Keep my eye out for him when I’m downtown but no luck so far  


  1. LOL--I know that feeling! I also remember this series. I like the way you have a cohesive composition despite so much stuff going on. It really helps that you have him framed against the black square and his drum set against the red car. And I love the color choices--the red, yellows and blues lead the viewer through the painting.

  2. I especially like the shiny drumset and car windows, but I want to tell him, "Hey Buddy, pull up that mask."

  3. You did well and with such a complicated environment, my goodness. And it all makes sense and fits together creatively. But I can't help but saying when I look at him, his left arm/shoulder seems to be coming out of his chest near his throat.

  4. U r right and I never noticed. I don’t think it can be fixed but maybe.
