Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Alan Summer 11

 OK. Another stab at gouache resist following Elaine’s technique. 

First a simple still life painted with gouache on 140# rough. 

Then brush on a thin layer of India ink. 

After letting thoroughly dry and using a soft brush I ran the painting under running water and removed the ink. I might have removed too much. 

Then I went back in with watercolor and added some darker values. After that dried I used some white gouache to add some highlights. 

I think this woodcut looking style would be better suited for older buildings or some landscapes. 

I am going to try this again using a different gouache resist technique. It’s a lot of work with lots of decisions to be made.  We’ll see if it’s worth it. 


  1. Interesting. I see you've gotten much brighter, richer colors by going in with paint after removing the ink. I also agree with you that it might be better for landscape or buildings. I know it wasn't the best for portraiture! Old buildings wouldn't be hurt by the washed out color. Same for landscapes--it would feel like a memory or a storybook. Hmm.... I wasn't thinking of revisiting this technique, but maybe with the right subject.....

    1. Well…….we got all the stuff necessary to do it. Try to see another gouache resist technique.
