Monday, September 9, 2024

Too much?

 On Saturday I was really perturbed by those curvey vertical lines trailing viridian, so today I put risky turquoise on the viridian side and raw sienna on the the other side, and gave both sides a lower left to upper right drift and now I think it has a stronger foreground/background look which gives it more order which it needed.  Almost done I think.


  1. Too much? Yes, I think so. I really liked the feel of the soft viridian shapes, gently waving against the white. I felt like I was underwater, drifting through a kelp forest. This definitely gives more of a solid plaid vibe and makes it seem flatter and less active. You said it gives more "order;" I'll agree that it does that, but I didn't think it needed order. Oh, well, that's just my opinion. Based on what you said, I think you've fulfilled your intention, so there you are....

  2. I miss the white. And I don’t like the red quartering lines because they seem jarring to me.

  3. I agree with Alan, those red lines are very prominent and jarring. The most interesting shapes are the dark blue worms…something else needs to be developed to that level imo….

    1. Oh Sarah, and I thought you got me.

      Those things you call blue worms, though they look like harmonicas to me, are all vertical and placed equally apart and that is order, except that they lean a little and they are of different lengths so that is a hint of chaos, and those yellowy viney things, they are all horizontal and there are three of them so that is all order except that their slants are steeper going from top to bottom, and that is a kind of muted order, except that they are filled with all kinds of crap so that is chaos. And it is only those two (notice there is not a center one) bold, red, straight as an arrow, slashes that bring the whole floating menage to bold and resolute order.

      I won't be in call this Saturday but perhaps I can drop by your house early Tuesday morning with the full story and all I ask is your rapt attention and a Denver omelet with jalapeno cornbread on the side.
