Monday, August 26, 2024

On the road again

 I've been off the road for a couple of weeks, scrambling around in the brambles, turning this way and that stumbling across ideas and discarding them, making sacrifice sheets out of perfectly good paper, pulling my hair and disturbing my cat.  

I want to move this to 18x24, make it grittier, more random, less pretty maybe, or maybe something completely different.

Just glad to be on the road again.


  1. Are you revisiting mosaics? But wait! What happened to the experiments with indigo, flowers and negative painting? I think you may have cut back to your old familiar road a little too soon. You haven't finished with the road less travelled -- I was truly fascinated with that direction. But we'll see where this road takes you. Happy travels.

    1. Indigo is still very much in the picture. Flowers were a flash in the pan. I don't remember any negative painting. I guess I shouldn't talk so much, but I believe it when I am saying it, very much as I am doing it now.

  2. Replies
    1. Actually was thinking of thickening the lines so that they would be similar to the lead lattice in a stained glass window.
