Saturday, August 17, 2024

Channeling Steve Meyer

 Painted Dr. Hunt first. Then when the child went in, the doctor’s skin was washed out and greenish….so I remembered Steve doing opera washes over people. I think it helped. The hand and the nose were daunting, to say the least,  but can’t do more without disaster. I like the story aspect of this.  In the photo  the woman in the background was holding a squirming child and to the right there were parts of two other women and part of an ambulance all eliminated because of distraction. 


  1. Sweet. An opera wash, huh? It worked! He doesn't look flourescent pink, but he's definitely not green either. The hands may have been daunting, but they're the star of the painting. In fact, they tell the whole story--the way they encircle that little child and gently hold his weight. Good choice to eliminate the background distractions, too. They don't contribute to the story here.

  2. I like how all lines lead to him and the child. And you really feel the weight of the child in his arms and against his chest. And of course we assume that’s his mother in the background. It really does tell a story, but then most of your people paintings do — either thru body stance or relationships.

  3. You've really captured the scene, Greeta. And the emotional vibe of it too. Really well done.

  4. Great composition and great work on the face.

  5. Very nice. The purple of the shirt against the dark of the other shirt and the strong arms and the face and the lady bystander and the little garden.
