Friday, August 16, 2024

RIP Sasha…


Sad news, Sasha went to her great reward last Sunday. Luckily I finished her portrait last week. Hope her parents like it as much as I do…

South Haven sketches done onsite at the beach! The two painted ones I did at home from photos.i like this last one. I was really trying to capture the sky in both of them. I know….the world’s largest chickens…I have such a problem with scale…

Again a slight issue with scale. I think I’ll do this again but with only one flower…probably won’t be posting much after this week for a while. Friday is my due date!


  1. Wow! You've been busy, haven't you? Sorry to hear about Sasha. That painting will be such a lovely memory, though. Your vacation looks so relaxing. The skies are really nicely done. I'm not seeing scale issues. Those chickens seem normal and you've got the sense of their movement. I love the minimal landscape. It's so perfect--the sky, the trees and grass, and especially those soft shadows. I really like the graphic quality of the last one. The only thing I'd do differently is differentiate between the backlit windows elements and the shadows. Maybe soften the shadow part. Or is that purple shape all shadow? Best of luck on Friday!

  2. I bet Sasha's parent would like all the versions you painted of her. What a wonderful gift. Your beach sketches document your vacation well. And I like your free range chickens. The composition is great. As well as the simplified landscape. You've been painting like mad. I enjoy your extra exuberant colored still life too. The colors just glow. Like the pottery, leaves, flowers, table. And I'm a fan of that shadow flower too. I'll be sending you good vibrations this Friday!

  3. Ok. I really like your vacation sketches. Could be ready for a light wash. Love the clouds in your South Haven (where I used to vacation in the summer) painting. I really enjoy the still life too. I like the middle abstract flower and the pots are great b

  4. RIP Sasha. A very nice painting of her, catches the sense of her keeping bad strangers on the other side of the door.

    I like the way those trees are huddled into themselves afraid of the coming rain,

    I love that still life. Very Art Nouveau. Is that yellow background a beam of light cast from unto the wall?
