Monday, August 19, 2024

SS 8.18.24 Ansel's Shingles Odyssey

 I am done with my series of my husband's 4 faces to record his on going Shingles affliction started last year. Each of the 4 painting has a mini recuerdo of a diary of the illness. Painting this set of faces from onset to current situation is reliving the challenges as well as cathartic. At that time of any of the critical stages when the pain was so deep, we felt that some strange stuff was at work, when my husband was just recovering from his 10 days hospital stay in October that he would be sick with Shingles!In hindsight, the reasons were simple: his immune system was low & vulnerable and he was not vaccinated with the shingles vaccine. Pretty straight forward!. I have arranged the paintings as follows: bottom row : left: Onset; Right: World Turned Upside down then top row: left: Scabs;

Right: Silent Pain.  Today, I also submitted this foursome as one painting using my husband's second name: Ansel to a Filipino art show Sep to Nov, 2024 at the Epiphany Art Center. Fingers crossed!


  1. So good to see Tony finally looking and feeling better at top right. I really like the backgrounds--the minimal slashes of purply-blue and, especially, the writing. At first glance, it gives a newspaper, documentary feel to the series and then it draws you deeper. I'm a little confused about the order, though. I'd instinctively want to put them in a chronological line or, if you put them in a square, I'd put your bottom row on the top for more of a chronology. Finally, I can see why you'd upend the bottom right image, but I think the series is strong enough not to need that. Best of luck with the submission!

  2. Hi Susan. What a great idea for the background. I agree with Elaine, that it seems like newspaper at first and that it's telling you a story about what's happening. I also found the order of images confusing and couldn't figure out how they were supposed to move along. I feel chronologically is the way to go. Top left, top right, then bottom left and finally bottom right - that is when your looking at the painting as a whole. And putting the worst of the symptoms right side up so you can see it clearly at its worst. The series is very powerful.

  3. Very interesting. I thought they were painted on newsprint. I agree that you don’t need the one portrait upside down.
