Monday, August 12, 2024

Jacqueline's Show

 Hung this a couple weeks ago.  Jacqueline's 3420 N Broadway.  These are from the Morning Glory Leaves series which I thought was one of my best series.  Had hoped to hang this at the Ten Cat, but the new owner has chosen a different path, and there is no more art in the windows.  This is a much smaller place with no beer garden or fireplace room, just room to stand so I am not scheduling any kind of opening, but if you are thinking of dropping by let me know and I will see if we can come to an agreement on dates and times.


  1. That purple wall is the perfect background! Looks great!

  2. It's a great selection of paintings. What's the crinkly stuff they're covered with?

  3. Saran Wrap will protect your masterpieces.
