Sunday, August 11, 2024

Da Blues 2


Working on these all this week.  I guess they look better, but maybe not that much.  They are were great fun when I began, free as a bird, but with each brushstroke the possibilities are more limited.  


  1. Isn't that the way life goes? Every decision narrows your range of future choices. However.... I really like the new colors you're exploring here. There's more possibility for contrast and depth than your previous palettes. Also, there's something organic and amorphous here, but also defined. Seems that you still have a lot of possibilities here.

  2. Really like the first one. It has a great sense of movement and It seems more complete. Love the colors of the second one but it lacks something, cohesion maybe.The third one looks overdone.

  3. I agree with your ranking. The second one posted is actually the first one and I was never able to knit it all together, and seeing nothing more to do, I tidied up what I could and called it done. The third one posted was the last one and at this point chaos began losing to order and I didn't know how to break out of it. The first one posted was the second one and I think maybe I had the right balance of chaos and order and like Baby Bear's porridge it was just right.

    I did learn a lot of stuff about how paint worked because I didn't have to try to match any physical object and maybe I will try it out by painting a cat image that I have probably done ten times already, but don't hold me to that.

  4. #2, #1, #3. I like the cosmic aspect of 2.
