Sunday, August 25, 2024

August 24, 2024 — Elaine O.

This week, I've been playing with florals and granulating/separating paints. Today's blind contour is of flowers. Interestingly, no matter how "off" you are, they look more accurate than, say, a human face.

12" x 9"

I've also done some direct watercolor....

8" x 5.5"

... and I've been fascinated by translucency and the honesty plant. It's a challenge I have to revisit.

approx. 5" x 5"

What's with the softer, gentler direction? I "helped" my brother move this week. Here's a quick sketch of his new view. Nothing soothes the soul like sitting in a window seat watching sailboats on a lake. You hardly notice all the moving chaos around you—and that mellow vibe lingers!

approx. 5" x 5"


  1. I love those plants, especially that last one. The paint just kisses the edges.

    Had to look up that Honesty plant. So those transparent things are seed pods. How cool is that?

    Do I see the looseness of contour drawing in that flower in the vase?

    1. Yeah, the top one is a blind contour. I find that I'm carrying over the blind contour drawing into regular drawing. I tend to spend more time looking at the subject and less at the paper. I guess that's a good thing.

  2. I love contour drawings of flowers and plants. Yours are especially interesting. I love doing direct watercolor on Yupo because it’s easy to remove really obvious mistakes.

    That honesty plant. I’ve seen them before but never thought to impart color to them as you have so excellently done.

    Every time you look at that sketch, the feeling will be there. That’s one of the things I like most about urban sketching.

  3. Really beautiful, Elaine. The line, the colors, composition. My fav is the direct watercolor. It's absolutely delicious.
