Monday, August 5, 2024

Da Blues


Slopping around the indigo while listening to the blues.  A good time, and I find it very interesting.  All 9x12 and all unfinished.


  1. These color experiments are interesting. So you're using indigo as your main color. Which yellows and which reds and/or oranges are you using? I see some magenta reds and some more orange reds. At any rate, you're getting some interesting blends.

    1. I'm using burnt yellow and Q burnt gold, orange, and scarlett. Some of that indanthrone, which seems to granulate strangely, and there was magenta in the first one, but it's a little weak.
      Oh, and perylene green for borders.

    2. These are very organic and interesting. And you are using colors I don’t own. I’ll have to get on it.

  2. I like the stain glass quality of these works, the dark spikiness against the transparent lighter colors.

  3. I like the second one. It has a better structure and looks as though you developed some sort of plan while painting. I also like those touches of pink/red.

    1. The plan is to make some broad sloppy stripes across the paper swiftly without thinking about what you are doing, wetting them down a bit, dropping some of those Q burn colors into the stripes, then blotting them, then well, whatever.
