Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 10, 2024 — Elaine O.

It's summer and I'm feeling free and playful. Which translates to dithering around with one-offs and experiments while I decide on my next serious piece/series. I did another large blind contour with watercolor. I think these have to be either very accurate or very distorted to be interesting; this one isn't quite either, but it was fun.

12" x 9"

More odd bits and pieces:  I recently read an interview with Amy Tan about her Covid experience connecting with and painting the birds in her backyard. Then, a week later, I read something similar by a woman somewhere in England. Days later, I saw a bird painting demo in a magazine, so I had to try it. Birds are actually quite interesting, aren't they?

Finally, a good many of my vacations have been near water, and it occurs to me that I'm not really confident painting water. I may try a 30-day water challenge. Here's the first try. I think the hardest thing will be to get the sense of movement. 


  1. Is that a bird from your window? I have done a few from photos I did on the balcony, but I can never get close enough to my beloved finchies to get a photo large enough to get enough details. Love that blue/pink bird and the twig he sits on.

    As you do these contour drawings I assume you are getting better at them, does that make it more or less fun to do them?

    1. No, the bird is from the magazine demo. My window only attracts little brown sparrows and an occasional robin.

      As for the contour drawings, I don't know if I'd say I was getting better. Sometimes they're okay, but mostly they are still just a jumble. I used to think of them as silly and a waste of time. But now, I think blind contours are an exercise in eye/hand coordination and concentration. And they're a good warm up ritual before painting or drawing. So, more calming and meditative than riotous fun.

    2. There is also a randomness about them, that is kind of freeing, you don't have to paint the eyes exactly because they are not not drawn as exactly as human eyes.

  2. That’s a pretty good portrait for a blind contour drawing imo. And your bird portrait is very charming. Lots of people post bird paintings on twitter of all places! Yours reminds me of a Japanese painting — just enough details to make sense and beautiful color blending.

  3. The contour drawing and wash is intriguing and fun. A whole series of them would be interesting.
    I think the water is good. Reminds me of the surfing part of the Olympics.
