Sunday, August 4, 2024

Alan Summer 9

 I’m done with this lighthouse. It’s on canvas board treated with white gesso—11x14. I just couldn’t get a smooth wash with the darker phalo blue. I tried about four times but still had streaks and blooms. So I decided to go with it and put in those fluffy little clouds (maybe like the sky was not perfectly washed). I added some purple and red under the clouds so they wouldn’t be so prissy. I changed the colors of the cliff, brought out the pine trees on top; and highlighted the watchers on that spit of land in Lake Superior. 

Might be better on straight cold press. 


  1. I agree. This may not be the best surface for this. However, the cliffs are magnificent.

  2. Oh yeah, I think the the cliff is looking is looking swell, and I like the subtle way you highlighted the slip people. The clouds though not so much. Did you never hear that you should always put an odd number of clouds in the sky?

    1. Depending upon how you look at it, there may be 4 clouds or 5 or 6.

    2. But I usually prefer an odd number.

    3. I remember one dusty afternoon our grade school teacher us to always put an odd number of clouds in the sky and it always stuck with me. I think maybe she was sick and tired of seeing one cloud on each side of the house and wanted to shake things up a bit.

  3. I think all the elements work well together. The cliff is painted beautifully as are the clouds. I don’t mind the streakiness of the sky and water. It adds to the drama.If anything I would add more light reflections on the boat and the people in it. It reminds me of an old Chinese painting you might see on a scroll….

  4. It would be great to see it on watercolor paper to truly show off its magnificence
