Saturday, March 2, 2024

miles to go until I sleep

 Spending forever on that hill on the right.  Still looks a foot, but like I said, I have miles to go.


  1. Haha! It DOES look like a foot. I wouldn't have noticed until you mentioned it. Still, as you say, there's some way to go and it will get incorporated into the rest of the painting. I'm still liking this--and waiting to see a good final result. And I hope you're feeling better fast. Someone actually asked for advice today and the rest of us had to fill in (brilliantly, I might add).

  2. It does look like a very well drawn foot, perhaps the Jolly Green Giant encroaching upon some twigs.

  3. Well, you’ve got my eye leading down the path to his big toe.i hope by now there’s something spectacular there to hold my attention!
