Sunday, March 17, 2024

A painting comeback….

 I wish I had taken a before picture of this painting. In class, this is the painting that had the very black shadows across the mountains. Well, fortunately paynes gray doesn’t stain, so I scrubbed out the black shadows and repainted the mountains. I added more color to the sky as well and other places, and now I really like it.

This is the other painting I was working in class. I spent some time on it this morning, making sections lighter and darker and now I think I’m thru with this whole Southwest moment… both of these are 9 x 12.

This one is called Girls on Tanks. It’s 8 x 8. This one is for the new parents among us! Get that little girl outside climbing on things! Then one day when she’s 4 or 5, take her out to Cantigny , the MsCormick estate out in Wheaton, boost her up on the tanks, and watch as she climbs right up to the top and scares off all the boys and takes her rightful place on top of the American war machine. I know it’s a mixed message, but they have a great time. Those trees behind them are Grandpa and Grandma waiting with open arms to catch them….


  1. That first painting is the one with the black shadows? Quite a transformation! Those mountains are beautiful. The second one is lovely too. Love the clouds on both. And Girls on Tanks?! I love it for the title alone. But also for the sunlight on the girls and the tree.

  2. The mountains look so much better without the grime, but I liked the original cloud over them with the sharp edge between them and the sky, like the cloud in the second painting, but those purple mountains, majesty notwithstanding, look soft and not rocky enough.

  3. Like the first painting more than the second except for the little cloud face in the second. Second looks like a children’s book illustration.

    I like the idea of girls on tanks but hope no one has to do that again.

  4. Oh my goodness, Sara. I can't believe that first one is the same painting we saw on Saturday! What a difference lifting those blackened shadows from the mountain range made. Plus all the additions you've done. It looks fantastic now. Really stunning with a sense of depth and movement. The 2nd one is less so. Girls on Tanks is a fun one too.
