Monday, March 18, 2024

Alan Winter 10

 I made some adjustments to the English arsenic mine and am done. On 8 1/2  X 11. 140# coldpress. 

A little sketch of the live oak in front of my neighbor’s house. When you sketch outdoors a lot of people comment on the fact that you’re arting.

I tried a real painting on Yupo but still missed the magnificence of the tree. I think it needs more of a sense of place and more height.  The sketch has the vertical and the painting has the horizontal  


Lots of greens. 


  1. A live oak? That's ambitious. I think you're right about needing more room for that majestic tree. There may be a lot of greens, but you are successfully differentiating them. And I like the variety of marks in the Yupo version.

  2. I like the lively- ness of the branches in the vertical sketch. That tree has personality!

  3. Actually, I like both tree paintings. They are completely different. The first is striking in its freedom of expression. The second, however, is simply magical, maybe even mystical. The ruins are so different in painting style, that it's almost hard to look at them all together.
