Sunday, November 5, 2023

Let’s Just Say “Nice Dress” And Move On

 I could spend time fixing stuff but just don’t want to ……the carpeting, the railings, the drapes. Need to get out of this hotel!



  1. Really nice composition. I’m intrigued by the purple-blue background. You are right in that it’s just a lot of tedious line work to do. So “Nice dress.”

  2. Well the dress looks nice, and the stairs are nice and the railings, but maybe too much stuff for such a small painting.

  3. The dress is, indeed, very nice. It even feels like floaty chiffon. I can see where all the "hotel decor" patterning makes things difficult and even pulls the eye away from your subject. Maybe, if you decide to revisit, you can simplify the background. And besides the dress, you've done a lovely job of creating distance and perspective with the railings and upper floor.

  4. Try cropping her more closely. I did that and it looks fine. I’ll post it with my stuff.

  5. I agree, the background overpowers the subject. Simplifying it or cropping could do it.
