Sunday, November 12, 2023

Experimentally painting…


This is my fall confetti tree. I may try this again, maybe without doing the splatters and thinking more about the whole composition first. I don’t hate it but it’s not quite what I was going for.

I worked on this a bit at home. I think the face is where I want it, but the background needs work. She’s backlit by a very bright window on the right and I have to darken the rest of the background to emphasize that. The face proportions are off so she looks older, but I like the expression. FYI, I sketched this freehand fairly quickly and left all the pencil marks. They seem to give energy to the painting. This is big, 11x15.


  1. I agree with you about pencil marks. I don't mind them--and often, actually like them. They add energy and speak to a maker's hand, I think. I like them in your portrait. The expression is great and you don't need very much in the background at all. It's lovely. Also, love the colors in the confetti tree!

  2. I like both as different as they are. You did a great rescue of the tree painting and it does give the feeling of fall in the sun with the wind. And your portraits are great with capturing an essence without being slavishly academic. I like everything about it.

  3. Count me in as somebody who likes pencil marks. Don't know why people ever erase them. I don't think it's confetti trees. I think they are underneath a disco ball, and the proof it is the rhythmic moves of the tree trunks while they branches spread their branches in wild abandon.

    1. Couple typos there. I hate the way blogspot won't let you edit, only delete and then everybody wonders what you said before.
