Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Can these paintings be saved….

 The bottom one is a quick sketch of what was on my kitchen island. I call it The Last Roses of Summer.” I like the energy of pencil sketch and the paint. The top one is a more thought out composition but it kind of lost the charm of the first one. Something needs to happen with that purple shape on the left.

Here’s a painting from a photo I took at the botanic garden.I kind of like the composition with the alternating grass and sidewalks, but it lost something along the way. The sidewalks need a lot of work….

This is called “Friday Night at Grandma’s House.” Nora painted her lips with a marker (fortunately it was non toxic and non permanent) and was trying on my old clip on earrings. And she struck a dramatic pose for the camera.I like this one.

For Greeta — it looks great when you crop it! You get enough of the stairs and that interesting blue wall.


  1. I like the second still life a lot. The pencil sketch and the brushmarks of the pineapple crown give it a sense of immediacy. I love the colors at this time of year and you caught that vibrancy in the Botanic Garden painting. Maybe some shadows on the walkways and you're done. Nora looks so grown up! I wonder if it would reinforce the contrast between her age and her makeup and earrings if you let the lipstick bleed off her lips a bit--to stress that she's a little girl playing dress up and not a youthful looking young adult. Even if you don't do anything, I like that painting!

  2. I too like your sketch better. There’s a freshness about it that gets lost in the second version. I particularly like the unfinished, or partially finished, items in the original. I would simply go back to the original and add some value to some colors.
    I really like the attitude in Nora’s portrait. There are certainly things wrong with it but it is captivating nonetheless.

  3. Yes! I got rid of that beige corner upper right and it fits in 11x14 mat should I have the guts to send it to her.

  4. I like the second still life. Less definite, more charming. Nora did a good job on her lips! A glimpse into the future. Great job by model and artist. Like those dramatic eyes.

  5. The bottom half of the landscape has nothing in it. You could crop off the bottom half and would have an interesting composition. Imo

  6. Your still life sketch is full of life, while you're right, the top one became stilted. I think you have to keep the same spontaneous, fresh state of mind while you're painting the "real" one. Yeah, and the botanical walkway needs some interest (other than the cast shadow caused when you took the photo!) The portrait of Nora looks great. You've really captured the atmosphere, a moment in time, the feeling without belaboring anything. Well done.

    Also, good call on the idea of cropping Greeta's painting.
