Sunday, July 23, 2023

Uncle Ken wields the cleaver

Took out the details from that big brown thing.  Less prominent now but what to do with it?  Maybe a little green in it.  Anyway I'll think of something.  Probably.  Also bowing to the will of my panel of experts to put more structure into that lower leaf that you all found so blah.

Did not like those varying shades of green in each sector, scrubbed most of it out.  It'll be fine.  I know what I am doing.  Now if I can just get Sweetie to hold my beer.


  1. Love the burnt edge on the bottom painting. Interesting composition on the top one. I like the negative or blue spaces. Maybe it goes lengthwise though, …

  2. Good call to remove some of the detail on the brown rattan leaf and add some to the bottom leaf. Still needs a bit of differentiation, though. Maybe, as you say, color. I'm sure you will think of something. I really love the crispy edges on the newest leaf. Don't lose those!

  3. You ought to have fun veining that blah leaf. Like the top one. You might have taken too much color out of the placemat leaf.
