Saturday, July 15, 2023

Ss Portrait in Ultra and Alizarin071523

 In a desire to find closure in painting the lady cardiologist, I started the face sketch after an early breakfast on July 15. At home, I painted the skin undertone in a revised combo of yellow ocher and alizarin crimson instead of gamboge and alizarin. I then went to Watercolor class & continued to emphasize bone structures  and shadows. I was careful not to create an African mask this time. I used generously the combo of Ultra blue & alizarin in the contours & sides of the face. The combo of cobalt blue & opera was used for a lighter shade. Raw sienna, burnt umber, burnt sienna were added. The hair was done in sepia and Raw umber. The highlights of the cheekbones & forehead were in yellow & quina gold. At the end of class, I feel I have an acceptable face. Sometime in the future, I might tweak it from to time to time or I might live it alone. Art is never ending no beginning!

1 comment:

  1. The "mask" version below really emphasizes the planes of her face. I think it needs more in the center of the face, but it's an interesting take on portraiture--reminds me of Picasso or Matisse. This one is much more colorful and flattering in person than in the photo. It really shows her as having a warm and caring personality. I love the idea of doing the same person in different styles.
