Sunday, July 30, 2023

Uncle Ken fills in.


Cleared out the lines on that brown wicker thing and I have no idea what it is, but it looks like something kind of organic I think.  Put in those green viney things then roughed them up a bit and then put alternating vertical stripes of gamboge and ochre dots over that.

Speaking of dots, did you notice the yellow dots on the edges of that lower leaf.  What do you think, too Wes Anderson-y?

Cleared out the green between those veins last week because I didn't like the way each sector was a different color and went back in and made them more uniform.  Also toned down the veins because they didn't seem so important anymore. I'm calling the top leaf done, but that bottom leaf needs a lot more work before it can be a supporting actor.


  1. There’s something compelling about that top painting, but I still want to turn it on its right side. The dots are a nice touch. The second one the top leaf has such an interesting shape but the bottom leaf is a little boring in comparison..

  2. The placemat leaf looks good with the additional green tints. Still need to do something about the bottom lead. It takes up
    too much canvas space to do nothing.

    Try as I might I can’t find yellow dots. Do you have a fever?

  3. I like these. The dots lend sparkle to the bottom leaf and I like the blue sky. I think the bottom leaf might need a touch more contrast, though. Or not, I'm not sure. I'm a big fan of the crisp orange edge to the top leaf in the second painting.
