Saturday, July 8, 2023

Elaine O. — July 8, 2023

Sometimes, things just don't go the way you'd like! I added balloon ribbons and touched up the background on this painting. I intended to darken it a tiny bit and make it blue to complement the golds and oranges. Unfortunately the red in the background wouldn't be tamed and kept bleeding into the blue. I can't get the color I want without getting too dark and changing the mood. Oh, well, I still like more than I don't about this.

11" x 14"

And the bad news keeps coming! We had a slight flood issue, concentrated near my watercolor paper. Some of the pads had waterlogged edges. Worse, my Arches block had staining along the wet edge. Being a frugal sort, I'm determined to use the pad up, salvaging what I can. I direct watercolored some glasses, practicing reflections.  (You can see the stain at top left.) Meh! I plan to revisit reflections, but not on rough paper!


From there, I did a snow scene. I like a lot about this, especially the way the rough paper handles dry brush. It's a match made in heaven! I also like the way the paper texture prevents undue preciousness and contributes to a sketchy, impressionistic quality.



  1. Oh a little red is not going to hurt anything, put a light ultramarine wash over it and it will be fine. Everything in the foreground is so good that all the background needs to be is there. Love the morning after the snowstorm, so much better than that photo. Everything looks a bit topsy turvy under the wrinkled cover of snow. Kinetic, yeah, that's the word.

  2. I am rendered speechless at the depth and grace of your art!!!
