Saturday, July 22, 2023

Summer Cold….

There’s nothing worse than a summer cold. Who wants hot tea and chicken soup when the weather says grilled salmon and gin and tonics? Actually I’ve been eating and drinking all of the above, so who knows what’s bringing me closer to open sinuses and a clear head… not there yet tho…

Top is 7 x 10, the other two 9x 12. All are exercises in color mixing on the page, both by layering and charging into wet paint. I like the effects of charging best as the colors seem brighter. The middle painting has a lot of that. But layering was helpful in the landscape in the grass, the water and the sky. I’m just trying to make the process of painting more fun. I’m tired of worrying about if it looks like the photo or the setup. It never will! It’s a painting!

I’m also working on Bubblegum Girl. The one below is the latest. I want to say she’s done, but I don’t know….
And yes, you could see Oppenheimer or Barbie this weekend, but you should really go see Theater Camp.  It’s hilarious, even if you don’t like musical theatre. Check out the trailer online.


  1. Those top three are beautiful! Love the vibrance of the colors in the yardscape and still life, but there's a depth and richness from layering the landscape that's amazing. I think you're right about bubblegum girl being finished. The shirt is softly 3D and everything is slightly warmer and belongs together. With children, it's easy to go too far and make them look old beyond their years. She's still fresh and young.

  2. Love the value changes in your backyard painting. “It never will! It’s a painting!” is as good advice as any of us ever get. Who wants to have their painting look like a photograph. I like where you are going.

  3. Oh, two more things I love and forgot to mention....the movement and shadows in the still life and the "feel" of the landscapes. The backyard is hot and sunny and the mountain stream is cooler and farther north. You can just feel the air in both of them.

  4. I really like that mountain stream. What's my new word? Kinetic. Yes it's very kinetic. I always like your backyard. Is that the one with the strange cloud? The still life, I don't know, that plant is too weak for the background. Is charging color putting new paint on old paint that hasn't dried yet.
