Sunday, March 5, 2023

Elaine O. — March 4, 2023

I thought I was finished, but as I looked again, I realized I hadn't quite caught what appealed to me about the original experience. So I went back in to push the backlighting effect even further. Much better, especially the way the details of the statue are softened and almost lost against the bright window.

18" x 6"

Other than that, I've been quick-sketching people (and statues), both in ink...

... and direct watercolor, using up some palette dirt. 


Missed many of the faithful stalwarts yesterday, but look forward to seeing everyone in two weeks.


  1. I looked back at your last post of this painting, and the changes you made gave it the depth and contrast that it needed. I love the movement of leaves against the solidity of the statue. And your sketches are great. You’re inspiring me to do a few to clean out my palette…

  2. Yeah I think you pulled off that Buddha. Nice sketches as always, but I wonder if the middle page is the big headed baby's family.

    1. No, LOL, no big heads! The middle page is from a vacation photo of a square in Boston, full of people sightseeing, walking in the park and shopping at the farmers market. I just scrolled to groups of people and sketched. My main goal was to make them feel like they were moving and not static. The portrait at top left is not from that trip, but that's a normal head there.

    2. Love your people. Great exercise.
