Saturday, March 18, 2023

Elaine O. — March 18, 2023

I think all our talk about color theory, temperatures, palettes, etc. has me overthinking myself! After days of planning, I started this sweet painting of a girl and her robot on the penultimate sheet of my 6"x18" paper.

18" x 6"

Now, normally I just go in somewhat intuitively, but this time, I pondered a color scheme...and pondered...and pondered. I considered moving from warmer near her face to cooler at the floor; I planned to start with a single color and added different pigments as I moved down the painting. I thought of surrounding the subject with neutrals; or with darks or a cool to warm progression. I did color studies and schematics (one is below). In the end, I just confused myself and went back to winging things.

Otherwise, it's been a good news/bad news kind of week. I've almost finished my panoramic paper pad, but I've discovered I like the format and am considering buying more. Blick still carries this same size pad—but do I want to commit to another 10 sheets or just try cutting down other paper? 

I've been doing a 30 day project getting re-acquainted with dip pen nibs. I love the nibs, but I'm getting frustrated with the fountain pens that handle these nibs. I'm seeing serious ink starvation and find the endless fussing is more annoying than simply stopping and dipping the pen old school.

In short, I'm ready to get back. I crave consults with people and not just my sketchbook (even if I ultimately choose to go my own way after all!). See you next week!


  1. As far as making detailed plans before beginning a painting I am going to have to quote Mike Tyson, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." Not that watercolor punches anybody in the face, but nothing that you put down looks exactly like that ideal vision in your head so your plan begins to go awry with the first brushstroke.

    I'm looking forward to the first day of school this week too.

  2. Oh, having said that I think the painting is going well. Bold shapes marching down the table. I wonder what that robot will look like. Hopefully it will have googly eyes.

    1. Sadly, no. It's very functional and industrial. I'm a big fan of googly eyes myself, though!

  3. The color sketch is kind of cool — lots of energy and very vibrant. Hope it translates to the drawing. I know about confusing yourself … I have better luck when I stick to a limited palette. And buy the pad…you’re never going to cut the paper. Or use the backs…it’s a little smoother but still holds paint well.

  4. I like the one in the sketchbook. Alive. Could jump off the paper.

  5. Buy more paper. I love that shape. We’re old so go old school with the ink. Newer is not always better.
