Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Alan working things out

 I saw this old painting of mine displayed on a large computer screen and recognized immediately what was wrong with it. So…. I went into my archives and hauled it out. After a little while I think I made it better. Be careful using ink to do the small branches of a tree. I was trying to get the first green of spring but I lost that with the branches so prominent.  I also did some work on the foreground.



I’m still working on Greeta.  I might have to use more pigment on the blouse but I really like it and don’t want to screw it up.


  1. Your farm appears to have aged two or three months, Greeta, on the other hand, has not aged a day.

  2. I like what you did with the trees. It's a little later in the year than spring, but it works better. Good idea to work the foreground to balance. I agree on Greeta—a little richer color on the blouse, but don't mess with her face! You've got her.
