Sunday, January 9, 2022

Seeking inspiration…


At top is the inspiration-a photo of the shadow of a tree…but I kind of missed it by a mile. My painting looks more like a tree. I can’t seem to figure out how to paint shadows that look like shadows in stead of objects. Frankly I’ve been totally uninspired for many days. I have all this time and no interest in painting anything. Finally today I took the teacher’s  advice and painted from life instead of an image:  a bowl of tomatoes …

It turned out better than I expected. I guess painting from life is my assignment this week….


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not that I know anything about shadows, but the tree's shadow needs a softer edge, also not to cover the windows so completely. And that bush distracts and adds nothing to the composition. Lose it. Other than that great painting. The blue in the bowl steals the show from the wee tomatoes and nothing wrong with that.

  3. I've been feeling the same lack of inspiration. I may have to try your "painting from life" idea and hope it looks half as good as yours. The tomatoes are great--especially the highlights. As for the tree shadow, I think it'll be fine if you just lighten it a bit. The lighter ones read more as shadows which make the main one feel like a real tree.

  4. Remember to look at those values. Or what about doing one of your wonderful value sketches first, and then painting. That should do the trick. Tomatoes look yummy.

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  6. Love the tomatoes. Many of my favorite paintings are simple ones done after I get back from the store.

    I agree with Ken about the bush.

    I would just mildly scrub out the shadows so it wasn’t so definite keeping in mind that the shadows on the windows have a different value than the shadows on the brick.
