Saturday, January 1, 2022

Elaine O. — January 1, 2022

Happy New Year! Now that the holidays are over and the gifts are opened, I can finally show what I've been working on. It's Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina. This place is beautiful, huge and one of the top 10 gardens in the US. This is a gift to a couple that frequent the gardens and volunteer there, too.

And here it is, all framed and hung in place. That background wall color really suits, doesn't it?

And of course, I received some lovely gifts, too, including watercolor paper, a new sketchbook and two new brushes I'm quite excited about. I used one here, in fact. As you can see, I've been working (mostly) in my sketchbook so I can finish up the last few pages and break out my new one.

And I'm ringing in the new year by replacing my autumn jacket. I haven't sketched the new one yet, but here's my old coat. After 25-ish years, I've worn through an elbow and developed thin and shiny spots. Goodbye old friend. 


  1. Looks so good framed. Love your sketches too.

  2. The fountain framed looks great. And great watercolor sketches too. Nice remembrances and so much better than photos.
