Saturday, September 19, 2020

Sara Starts Fall...

 Worked on this painting most of the week. It’s a second try after I did a few more sketches.I like it and I’m learning a lot about color mixing etc. it’s on 300 lb paper, which takes a lot of water and pigment. Also lets me scrub out a bit, like her neck, which was too dark. The hardest part is the bathing suit - trying to suggest the folds in the fabric as well as the light and shadow. I know, they’re both the same ... and hard to do...not sure if she’s finished, but not sure of what to do.

Here’s another sketch I did before the painting. And two more morning sketches.

I’m thinking a lot about trees thru the might be a series some day....


  1. I really like this beach baby picture. The colors are especially fine, I think. I was surprised to hear you were wondering about light and shadow; I thought that was the best thing you've done here. You can actually feel the sun and where it hits her face and body. I like her hands and how active they are, too. This is a keeper!

    As always, I love your sketches and the way you've moved to line. I think trees through your windows would be a good series for you. You've done some really lovely "out-my-window" paintings in the past.

  2. Your portrait is just delicious: the colors, textures, movements. All the portrait drawings of this scene each have their own quality and unique character to them.

    And your line drawings out the window are exquisite too. I think the series has already begun.

  3. Very nice shadows in her face and her floppy hat. Nobody but you know what that particular swimsuit looks like, and what you have now works compositionally, so why labor to get it to look like the photo?

    I like the juxtaposition of straight and curvy lines in your sketches.
