Saturday, September 5, 2020

Relocated Farmers Houses at Yangtze River

 While cruising thru Yangtze River, I was fascinated by cute charming houses hugging the mountains guarding the river. For a brief moment, I envied the owners of these " vacation houses" as having reached the creme de la creme of housing as having a second house to spend their weekends and holidays. This illusion was shattered by the late explanation of our tour guide who told us that these houses on the mountain sides were relocated farmer houses who lost their neighborhoods, source of income & farms by the construction of the massive Three Gorges Dam. First Impression sometimes are like Pandemic Face Masks! 



  1. I really like the thin outline you've been adding. It defines and contains the exuberant color... in a good way!

  2. These are ones that you sketch at the moment, are they not? And then paint later when you have time to give to them. They always seems to capture the spirit of place and your feelings about it.

  3. They do look pretty jolly and carefree, and I like the red pagoda peeking between the mountains.

  4. It does look Ike a quaint little village in the mountains! I hope the residents grew to appreciate their new surroundings. I like how you painted the mountains and all the different greens. Your colors and marks are so fresh, like you painted it onsite.
