Friday, September 18, 2020

elaine t., Sept. 19

 (I'm posting early because I have family coming in tomorrow.)

I've taken Elaine O's example of doing quick direct studies of other artists' portrait work. I didn't want to copy her by doing Sargent, so I used Gustave Courbet for this week's studies. I hope I can bring more spontaneity to my paintings, and have the finished work show some transparency, rather than looking like gouache. 

I may not have anything to post next week--I'm going up to my sister's new home in Wisconsin for a few days! I promise to post some quick paintings of her house and the woods surrounding it.


  1. Incredible! I recognized that first one right off and you've done it justice. All of these are great—especially the strong value work and the way you've said what you need with minimal brushstrokes. And Sargent is certainly not off limits—but I'm a bit relieved you didn't show me up. LOL!

  2. A desperate man indeed! I can feel his desperation! Especially like him and the little girl - those two show a great deal of spontaneity imo. The other two are more studied but show a lot of feeling. Really like How the woman’s eyes are painted.

  3. They look like they were fun to paint too. I don't think they look like they were done with gouache, just done with high contrast. They're all so expressionistic, as is Courbet. For whatever reason, the first guy reminds me of Johnny Depp and the other guy of John Wayne!

  4. I like these little sketches that you and Elaine are doing. I think I like the little girl the best. I like the high contrast and the big big eyes.
