Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Kitchen QuartetTest

 Hello this is Susan trying to enter blog with pencil sketch of Kitchen Quartet of 4 women preparing vegetables for lunch! Just followed Ken's advice on drawing  photos copied from black & white photocopies. Will draw tone & texture later. Also trying to enter blog on my own. Fingers crossed!


  1. That's a nice drawing. With so many elements sometimes things get too big or too little, but everything just right in this drawing, and the four women are all equally represented in it. Is this going to be a black and white pencil sketch? How big is it?

  2. Nicely done... both the drawing and the posting. Are you going to paint this or is it just a pencil sketch? I can see it working either way... or both!

  3. Very nice drawing and I like that little sliver of the open door behind them. I kind of think this deserves full color treatment!

  4. This is a great drawing, Susan. I wonder how big the paper is, if it's a tiny drawing, or a large one? If it's small, it seems like it would be difficult to paint. But I guess we'll see, right?!
