Saturday, September 26, 2020

Bream 3.1

One of the ideas I was fooling with in this painting was how to incorporate watercolor pencils into a painting,  It doesn't show up well in this photo but there are a lot of squiggly lines around and in the tiles that I like,  It's been a process of scribbling in the lines with a wet pencil, putting water over the lines, then coming back with a with a different colored pencil, letting it dry a little than adding some watercolor then more watercolor of a different color, blotting with a paper towel, and then maybe doing the whole process again.  With the eye and those dark tiles around it, I was doing a completely different idea and now it sticks out like a sore eye, but maybe I can yet integrate it. 


  1. Watercolor pencils, huh? I suspect we'll all be revisiting them now. Seriously, I really like the way this is going! You're getting the texture of Roman mosaic tiles...the way they were fitted together so tightly and the feel of the material. You can make the eye work; maybe soften values on the darkest tiles and make the edges a little more organic.

  2. I could see movements among the tiles, ala caterpillars seeking refuge or nesting places!

  3. The surrounding tiles look very glass like. I particularly like the green and blue on the right edge and the variation in the large blue section. There’s something about the contrast between those sections and the dark opaque tiles that works....

  4. Wow, Ken. This is really striking. All the mosiacs are wonderfully painted. I agree the darker, harder edged "eye" part jumps out a bit too much. But as you said, I'm sure you'll be able to amend that. Can't wait to see it next time.
