Saturday, September 5, 2020

Inversion.1: Dragon Gate Cruise

 Hello this is Susan resubmitting Dragon Gate Cruise as Inversion 1.1. When the original painting posted to wall by artist tape, fell on the floor upside down, I was thrilled to see a fresh viewpoint of the piece: the river became sky & cruise ships seemed coming down from sky thru a rainbow! The mountains became farms sliding pointed down. For past 6 months, we are immersed in a new reality, a new dimension! Let us enjoy this journey!



  1. It's different, but equally good either way...the mark of good composition. No wonder people often rotate paintings to get a feel for balance.

  2. It's enjoyable either way! If you didn't have the title/date/signture on it, the inversion wouldn't be noticeable. I had a painting of a waterfall that worked like that. I accidentally inverted it as I was finishing, and it works either way.

  3. Perhaps that would be an interesting way to approach your quick sketches when you go to paint them. Turning them upside down to paint them into totally different worlds...

  4. Like standing on a bluff looking down?

  5. Yes, I do have that feeling of standing on a high bluff...a little too close to the edge! I really notice the beautiful colors in the “rainbow” now.
