Saturday, September 19, 2020

Bream 3


I had like seven different ideas for this and none of them are working out.  I think I will set it aside and work on that oddity that I posted earlier.


  1. Yes, I've had paintings like that! Best to do what you said and turn your attention elsewhere for a bit. On the other hand, I think the textured B&W study at top left is very interesting indeed.

  2. What about working from one of those glorious sunflowers you’ve posted on FB? The last one with the sunrise especially had a lot of watercolor potential imo....

    1. Maybe as Joni Mitchell has suggested, I need to get myself back to the garden.

  3. The first sketch looks interesting. What is your intention for this painting (or for the series), but particularly for this one? Do you have a clear idea of what you want to express, or bring forth, put across? Keeping that thought/idea up front, might help clear the path forward. I know otherwise it's easy for me to get distracted. Somewhere between on the right track and stuck in a rut.

    I would never have known this was the Bream without seeing the title...
