Sunday, March 20, 2022

Practice, practice, practice…

 I guess I’m trying to get to Carnegie Hall…I’m tired of my elaborate process of drawing on tracing paper and transferring it to wc paper, so I’ve just been sketching on wc paper and painting it. Most of these are from photos, but the orchids are from life.

I did the closeup of Ben kayaking in class yesterday, the other ones at home.I’m still looking for that sweet spot between overworked and impromptu. But I’m beginning to think it has less to do with drawing and more to do with paint handling. But I don’t even know what I mean by that….back to practicing my scales….


  1. That orchid is luminous! You really got the light shining through the petals! The closer version of Ben catches more of the fun he's having and is a really good portrait. And I like the color choices you made in the tree painting. Truth be told, you draw so well you might as well just draw quickly and directly on the watercolor paper. It's not like you need to do a lot of adjusting or erasing.

  2. That’s your best tree by far imo. I’d let the fence disappear off the page. It looks like these were done by 3 different artists.

  3. I like the tree too. It's none of my business but (A friend of mine once remarked "Isn't it peculiar that the phrase, none of my business is almost always followed by a but?") I wonder if your drawings are too strong for your watercolors and maybe it would be best to run those two trains on separate tracks.
