Sunday, March 27, 2022

Alan Harbor House

 One more pear.  These are fun.

We stayed at this place on the Gulf Coast.  I tried painting it before but it got too busy. Fun too.still have some choices to make  


  1. Did we ever get an explanation for that line in the middle of the pear? Nice geometry in that boathouse(?). Reminds me of that apartment building on the west bank of of the Chicago River at just north of Wolf Point.

    1. It was just there. Didn’t change the taste though.

  2. I, too, thought the line was a deliberate choice. Was the boathouse done plein air? I really like that. The hard-lined architecture nestles into the soft foliage so nicely—a perfect balance. And the boat diagonals add so much energy.

    1. The opposite actually. I was there in person and took the photo. Then Cropper, Waterlogue, then NotanIzer, then GridPainter, then drawing on tracing paper, then transferring to 140#, and finally painting.

  3. Again, great complementary colors on the pear, plus a nice graphic rendering. Love the blue against the the background and the echoes in the windows. What do all those computer programs do? I use a grid program but that’s about it….
