Saturday, March 19, 2022

Alan’s not as busy as it looks

 Still working on my Mississippi front yard.  I did a couple of darker washes after I darkened the sky. I refreshed the azaleas and darkened the bottom of the leaf groups. 

I did a series of tonal studies using colors and washes to bring different feelings to the same structure. They’re all quick watercolor sketches on 3 X 5 

Then I bought a pear to eat but it was so pretty that I had to paint some versions of it.  I made a value drawing of it and tried complimentary colors and washes  with several small watercolors.

Then I ate the pear. 


  1. There's a lot more unity in the first landscape; it feels more of a piece than having lots of focal points. I like it! And I'm really liking the color studies. It's amazing how much of a difference colors make to the mood of the piece. I'm curious about the sharp line down the pear. Is it a deliberate abstraction? Was it really there on the pear? It seems like I should be getting some message from that, but I'm not sure what the intent is. Love the colors and highlights, though!

    1. There was an actual line. I just used it.

  2. The tree looks stronger, but I think it's too smooth and doesn't have the texture of the surrounding plants, I like the the purple hair best, has the most body.

  3. I like the front yard , it’s done! The tree is definitely the focal point and the branches reach out and hold its grasp over the whole scene. Nice work. Love the pears, especially the last two. Amazing how different all of the color studies feel, whereas the pears look more like a series…
