Saturday, October 31, 2020

October 31, 2020—Elaine O.

Happy Halloween! I was planning to do a self-portrait in my Halloween mask (it's just a black Covid mask with an orange pumpkin on it), but I didn't get to that. Maybe I'll do it next week.... before I have to retire the mask for the season. Instead, I did a sketch of the view from my brother's window, experimenting with watercolor pencils...

3.5" x 5.5"

...before sketching and starting the actual painting in actual watercolor paints. This is really a much nicer view than appears here. We're looking over Lincoln Park toward downtown Chicago. To the left is the lake and a few boats in the boatyard.  While it's a view from a window like Sara's, I didn't include the frame as it's one of those modern Mies buildings with thin, unobtrusive frames around a window wall.

Chicago, View from Bobby's Window        9"x12"


  1. I'm guessing the pencil is in the skyline. I don't see it in the vegetation but sometimes the water color pencil gives itself up for the betterment of the painting. Those bright green blotches look like you took a small sponge to it, but I guess they are very dry brush.

    1. The whole thing is pencil. I tried different techniques. The sky was a light scribble with water added. Then, it seemed like I wasn't getting good color/coverage, so I dipped the pencils in water and used the lead on its side for the foliage. I did add water to move some of the color around, but not a lot and only at the end.

  2. So how did you find using the watercolor pencils? Helpful, distracting, interesting, or simply another medium?

    1. Different. So far, they seem most useful for details instead of fields of color. I'm still figuring them out; I don't think they'll ever replace pure watercolor for me, but I think they will have their place.

  3. I really like the little sketch with watercolor pencils -I’m wondering if you should do a combined watercolor and watercolor pencil study or add watercolor pencil on top of your watercolor painting. I like to dip the pencils in water and then draw with them. You get a real burst of intense color. All the trees & limbs in the little fall color painting I did this week we’re done that way. And you can get texture with the wet points drying out. Or maybe drawing on a wet paper works. I find them too weak when you draw dry & then paint with water over them.
    Is this all you did this week? You are a slacker!!!

    1. I'll admit it--it was a lazy week! I did a little swatching and testing, but nothing worth showing.

      I'm with you--just dry pencil with water added is too weak. I ended up dipping the points in water and getting the explosive color, both from the tip and using the side of the lead. And when you keep on and it dries, you get the scumbly texture (like the foliage). I'm thinking of adding them at the end for detailing on the painting, just quickly to see how that works.

  4. How can we get Greeta as a follower?
