Saturday, October 31, 2020


Hello everybody.  Trying to get our lives back.  Thought that this might be a part of the way back.

Continuing on with my drink series.  I decided that a gentleman should know how to make a good cocktail, so I've been making several different ones and painting some of them.

This is a Ruby Red Grapefruit Cosmo.  Watercolor on 140 paper.

Our neighbor in Michigan attached a slide to his raft.  I thought it was an interesting composition.  Watercolor on 140.

I painted this view of the lake in the early fall on stretched canvas after applying a coat of Gesso.

A friend of mine grows lilies in a pond in his backyard.  I thought that it would make a good Yupo painting.

I'll get some paintings from Greeta to sent on my next post.

We are loving all your work.


  1. Good to see you again. I love your cocktail paintings. I don't know why, seems to have kind of a 30s vibe to me, if it's a guy drinking that I bet he is wearing a fedora. I don't know about the microwave though.
    The background to the slide looks kind of Cezannesque. The slide and its reflection look like a single unit, some kind of musical instrument maybe.
    Good to see at least one yupo. Like the watery bluish background.

  2. Drink portraits, a signature series. All with great composition and coloring. And then the wildness of Yupo shock and awe.

  3. I agree! It's great to see you posting again. If you zoom in, I love the different textures you get with each different medium/support. The cocktail is beautiful—I want one! It's very interesting the way you relegated the ink to the slide and reflection only and kept the background watercolory and impressionistic. The sunlight on those trees at the lake is magnificent. And I've missed your Yupo paintings. Glad to see this one.

    Can't wait to see what Greeta's been up to as well.

    1. I would love to make you one (or more). Thanks!

  4. How about a Rob Roy? That was Joe’s signature drink when he was a very young struggling actor in NYC. He had no money, but he had a signature drink....but I’ll take a Cosmos! Beautiful color work & I agree with Ken, it has a period feeling. Also love the water slide—that combo of abstract & very specific. I like the stillness of the painting - the calm before the kids come! The second water painting has that stillness quality too. And the Yupo water lily is very in your face after those controlled good to have you and Greeta back!
