Sunday, April 21, 2024

Purple rain on the haunted house.

 I think the pummeling fists of the purple rain sway the light gauzy trees in an interesting way to make them sway in the symphony of the stormy night.  Others may think differently.

I am leaving out the horse and I am beginning to think of the couple as Adam and Eve and that may have some effect.  The subject of the image interests me less than the painting with blended dots.  Experimenting now with bigger dots because it is 18x24 papers.


  1. Love how the house is painted in the first one. Second one is interesting, hope you give placement of horizon line some thought in the big painting….

  2. Okay, the house looks good...So what are you saying about the people painting? Bigger dots? No dotting? Now there's an idea.

  3. I, too, like the house in the first one. The trees confuse me. I find the second study interesting. How big are the dots going to be--and why? Also, are they alone and looking out to something metaphorical? If so, should there be something done with the horizon? Maybe raise or lower it and add some object or glow? Well, it's your story, so carry on!

  4. I thought that the trees looked much more windblown and wispy in the version from last week. The blue seems to make the trees more solid and stable - IMO.
