Monday, April 20, 2020

Still in Mississippi

I tried to do this scene from Chicago but got messed up between two different ways to paint. I wanted to be loose with the ink and got that on the large building but got too exact in the foreground building. I think I should have been more careful on the big building.

Back to what gets us thru shelter in place with my drinks series. This is a kumquat infused old fashioned fashioned out of kumquats next to our back door.

Stay safe.


  1. Actually, I am not bothered by the style contrast, although I'm partial to the high-rise. It has personality. Great composition on the drink painting. The background is interesting but doesn't overwhelm the subject—and it really establishes place (love the flower!) The drink is great, too, by the way. Did you use white on the blinds and highlights?

  2. I think you should have been looser on the foreground building. It's more commonplace than the skyscraper. I always hate to be forced to do something just because that is the way it really is. Don't we get enough guff from the everyday world without having its dull and plain head into the soaring world of art for art's sake?

  3. I was going to say at first glance, looks like you're in Chicago. Yeah, your rendition of the high-rise has a unique style that the closer building lacks in comparison. Maybe if you went back in there and threw on some graffiti? Excellent composition, et al on the drinks.

  4. I love the wAter tower. Drawing/painting that high rise looks like a chore—so many windows. I like the plainess of the foreground bldg - the windows and the colors give it life imo. Overall it’s a cool painting - a bit Hopper-esque.
    And that must be a pretty sour old fashioned if kumquats are what I think they are (tiny oranges?)
