Saturday, April 11, 2020

elaine t's work, Apr. 11

I didn't realize how much I count on little day-to-day contacts with people, passing them on the streets, smiles while shopping, seeing neighbors in my building. I got into a major funk this week, and wound up watching my Flash Gordon DVDs, napping excessively, and watching too much tv. I've also had some intense fears about catching the virus and needing to be intubated. I've watched too many Alien films, I fear. I had a videochat with my grandson on Thursday that rescued me. That boy has a black belt in peekaboo!

I will try to keep some kind of record my view of the pandemic. The plan for this sheet will be my eyes on the left, reacting to paragraphs that will be on the right, describing the first couple of weeks.


  1. Those eyes are so expressive, Elaine, and so varying. I look forward to their progression.

    I was having nightmares the first few weeks. And I go in and out and up and down throughout the day. Some days I sew, and some days I do very little. Believe it or not, I find Gov. Cuomo's daily briefings to be calming. Also reading a book by/about the Dali Lami that's free on the Amazon Fire that has really helped keep me in a relatively good place. Even keeping up with showtime helps, seeing the art and looking for an inspiration picture.

  2. No wonder you leave the eyes for last when you do portraits... no fear that you'll mess up! These are so realistic and so emotive. You really get a sense of the emotion behind the expression. Beautiful!

  3. These eye portraits are fabulous! You really achieved that roundness of the eyeball that is so hard to create. But you didn’t overwork the details. Thanks, these are very instructive to me. And I love your plan for them.

    This was a hard week for me too. Spring is my favorite season and I love spotting every Little green shoot and hidden crocus in the yard. But having this spectre of death hanging over it is really daunting. But I don’t seem to be able to express that contradiction art wise....I do find comfort in listening to Pritzger’s briefings every day on Wbez @2:30pm. He and his team seem really proactive and on top of things and he is very straightforward in answering questions and providing explanations, with very little political grandstanding . Chicago seems to be in good shape and less likely to experience what NYC is going thru.

    But still all these numbers ... these are human beings... I don’t find the national “we’re all in this together “ attitude at all just normalizes what is a very abnormal situation....

  4. I see unconcerned, shocked, and scared shitless. I am the kind of person that generally has a smile for everybody I meet, and I have continued to smile, but who can tell behind the mask? I wonder if I could just raise my eyebrows. And even though there are far worse things going on, I worry about the downtown mob of pigeons.
