Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sara chimes in...

I’m still working from this photo. I did a more proportional sketch, actually using math and it worked!
Also trying to work out values & colors ...all in preparation
For painting it on good paper (300 lb). Then I spent a few days with this cute baby & her sister and forgot all about it!


  1. I like how the daffodil compsition is progressing! And I can relate to how cute babies have the power to cloud minds!

  2. Math?! Whatever you did, it's working. That's going to be a great painting. And how exciting that you got to see the girls.

  3. I too wonder about what kind of math. some form of gridding? I do think the flower is getting stronger. Still think you should incorporate that crisp background, but I won't bring it up again because the third time you repeat yourself it becomes nagging.

  4. I’m talking real math, like ratios. Somehow I figured out how to convert the iPad size image to the size of my paper by multiplying measurements by .8 and .7 for length and width. It was like 10 th grade algebra all over again... I’m still working out my color palette so I will give your suggestions some thought.

  5. Woah. Math. I'm impressed. Well, something is coming through in your sketches, paintings. Must be the confidence that mathematics bestows. How did you accomplish baby visitations? It's a miracle.
