Saturday, April 18, 2020

elaine t., Apr. 18

I was more productive this week, both in painting and other activities. As always, a videochat with my son and grandson helped a lot.

I'm very happy with my eye studies. I managed to stop each one before it got overworked or lost the sense of spontanaity in the brushwork. One of the tutorials I watched urged using the largest brush possible, even for details, to keep that spontaneous feeling. It's working for me! Now I have to finish the commentaries on the right side.

It was a bit creepy working on this; I felt like the paper was looking back at me as I progressed. I guess that means the studies are sucessful!

Hope everyone stays well and sane in the coming week!


  1. It IS like your paper is looking at you! I really like this concept... and your paintings... and think it will make an interesting commentary on the whole experience. You're truly painting your actual experience. Brilliant.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Nice eyes, I particularly like the color, grey-green and deep. What about the eyebrows, or would they have been a needless complication?

    2. I wanted the eyes themselves to convey the mood, and thought that adding eyebrows would be cheating because they can really convey feelings.

  3. These are great. And yes, creepy. What tutorial are using?

  4. Very cool. The eyes say it all.
