Saturday, April 11, 2020

April 11, 2020 — Elaine O.

I think I'm finished. I may look at it over the next few days and tweak, but nothing major.

I've been working on the above for much of the week, with some breaks for sketchbook action. For those of you interested—and I think you'll be sorry you asked—I've done color and value studies like these...

...along with some quick portraits, both in pen and wash...

... and in direct watercolor.

Then, there's my quarantine project. I'm doing a quick daily sketch looking out each of my windows (there are more to come!). I've used various media, but I've been partial to my fountain pen with the fude nib. Maybe because the lack of control with that pen mirrors our current existence... or maybe I'm just overthinking things.

I've also interspersed the window project sketches with some life points of interest, probably because I was trying to avoid the uninspiring brick wall views above. We don't often open the blinds on those windows—is it any wonder? Besides last week's bread sketch, I documented things like the first daffodils of the season...

... and my stack of mask-making supplies.


  1. Your final hand is gorgeous! You outdid yourself! Love all your little sketches, especially the pen and ink with watercolor. They just evoke the feeling of being around the house & neighborhood. Be sure to date everything. Going thru past paintings, I have no idea what I did when b/c I didn’t date anything.....

    1. I did date them... and added comments about the weather and anything notable about the day. I can't wait to get around to the back window. It looks out on a 6-flat with big picture windows. Especially now, people are sitting in their windows and exercising, eating, sewing masks, reading. It feels like Rear Window, but without the cast!

  2. These are so wonderful, Elaine. You're really going to remember everything about them when you look back at them later on. Even the mask material is delightful. Who knew a brick wall viewed through window panes could look so lovely! And I totally recognize that pen and ink one of the corner across from your house. Your quick portrait sketches really give a sense of character. And the latest mudra looks mighty fine. Thanks for showing everything!!!

  3. Love the sketches (I love all the others too)--those are the things to bring this time alive when you look back on them. I haven't had the discipline yet to do that. The quick portraits really give a sense of what the subject must be like in life.

  4. I think you've nailed the hand. Kind of an ironic thing to be saying on ?Easter huh? I like the black and white sketch with the two bare trees, lots of value there
