Saturday, April 25, 2020

Greeta and I getting ready to come home

When you are in Mississippi you must paint a magnolia. 

Actually I’m happy with this. 

Greeta’s painting of the banana plant in our front yard. That’s right. Our front yard. 

Looks like something from”Alien” but those are baby bananas. 

A wider view of the entire plant. It’s hard to get all those light greens right. 


  1. Wow, your shelter in place has been very productive, hasn't it? I like the magnolia, too. It can be difficult to paint white flowers, but you've done it--and on Yupo, too. I love the banana plant series. It's so cool to watch it unfold--the little shapes from the bigger ones, and then pulling out to see the whole plant in context with the other plants and the sky. So lovely. And your colors are magnificent.

  2. Both paintings look great. The delicate white flower with the abstract leaf background and the amazing banana plant in complimentary colors. Those giant green leaves are so stunningly painted.

  3. Not to be Kenny One-note, but I think the background makes the magnolia.

    I like the upper half of the banana plant painting better because it looks less confused. Love those background tree on the right.

  4. Great paintings. I can tell you’re in the South -all that lush color filling the page! Up here there’s still a lot of bare branches against gray travels!
