Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sara’s ready for change....

 Here’s the finished portrait of Quinn, 7x7. It turned out well, but I might do it again on better paper. I’ve been using this Canson Montcval paper. It’s 140lb, but it’s just too smooth & doesn’t seem to absorb water well.  Plus it ripped at the top when I removed the artist tape. ...I bought a bunch of small blocks of different paper to figure out what I like best.
 Here’s a fall study without the windows! 6x8, watercolor and watercolor pencils.Fluid 140 paper- maybe a Blick brand.

Here’s a portrait study of my yoga teacher, from a B & w photo, my pencil drawing and watercolor in progress on Fabriano paper 3x5. I’m trying to slow down in drawing & painting to try to see the shapes, especially in portraits.

This week I did a direct  sketch self portrait and then did the watercolor from the photo I took while I was posing. Both kind of interesting, but amazing the difference in feeling. I was trying to make the watercolor a more closeup face portrait. Half my face was in shadow and I was drawn to the dark shapes the shadows made, 12x12.The watercolor is kind of spooky...but it was Halloween...

And lastly, I did this double portrait a while ago, and I’ve been fussing with the baby’s face and their arms for a while. I just love the look on Nora’s face and Quinn looks less like an alien now, so I bought some mat board, cut a mat and framed it. It hangs in my living room. I think it’s 10 x15. It’s called Baby on Lockdown...

Okay, think positive thoughts, stay off Twitter, and paint.


  1. I really like the feel of the trees in the fall study. I can see the artist in it and also your Yoga teacher.

  2. I'm glad you framed that double portrait. You should also do the one of Nora with the stripes. Quinn is adorable. Such a lovely expression and you sorted out the hands well. I'm a huge fan of your sketch/watercolor portraits and your trees. I really like the sketch of you. The shadow shape is perfect. And thanks again for including sizes. It really helps when things vary, like here.

  3. So that fall scene is channeling an artist we all know .... but who it is doesn’t come to me right now. 🙄. Maybe someone Marin.
    Lockdown gets to that sibling dynamic. Could be love and some other stuff. Very good.

  4. I must confess, I actually liked the earlier version of Quinn best when it was overall more lightly painted. The fall out the window mixed media is so dynamic. And yes, it does remind me a bit of Kandinsky, or yeah, John Marin. I like what your doing with the double portraits - sketching and then painting. It seems an interesting process. Nice framing on the Lockdown portrait too.

  5. I'm posting this after having already seen the portraits from the next week. and I can see where the painted one is the dark one, but I am wondering if the pencil sketch became the darker one.

    You always seem so deadly serious on your self-portraits and I wonder if that is because you are doing them from life and it's hard to hold a grin while concentrating. I like them, but I wonder what it would be like to break away from thinking of it as a portrait of yourself and just a painting of some stranger.
